IoT ecosystems IoT Management as a Service (IoTMaaS) Learn more Leverage sustainability. Position yourself along side leading industry adoptors. 10 Good reasons Industry specific use cases Deployed and managed at scale Solutions Causality multiplicaton Each step forward becomes a multiple of all steps made before The journey begins IoT +
Artificial Intelligence +
Virtual Reality.
Working as one Virtual Gateways
Innovating human to machine interfaces. Truly leverage big data to resolve real world challenges. Learn more Build on existing infrastructure. A platform for seamless integration of new technologies Learn more Visualization and Control Understand your ecosystem and leverage automation. Learn more Information based decision making Combine experience with knowledge to improve your processes Learn how Opportunity is everywhere. Take your world from the inconceivable to possible Right under our nose

IoT Management as a Service

Our platform manages your enterprise clients IoT ecosystems over multiple clients and regions

Universal Cross Platform Management

Leverage IoT across Multiple-cloud, Edge, Multi-vendor and on-premise solutions from a "Single-pane-of-glass".

Advanced Analytics / VR

Embedded Ai / Analytics platform. Present data with creative / animated and Virtual interfaces that resonate with user communities.
About us

We’re a global stakeholder in the IoT arena.

Our experience with multiple cloud platforms, IoT project management, developing and manufacturing our own IoT appliances and the leading edge R&D in VR, AR  and machine learning, puts us in a position to offer the best advise and guideance for your digital initiatives.

We are device and platform agnostic and encourage you to continue using your preferred devices and platforms.

We bring 30+ years’ senior experience in IoT project implementation across multiple industries.

Building management
Smart communities
Wine making
Call to ask any question +612-9016-5632

Martin Hannah

(CEO and founder)

30 plus Years Experience


Your covered from
"device to dashboard".

Successful Projects

Interoperability standards

Targeted outcomes

Maximise assets

Visualization & Analytics

Saving Strategies

System Integrators Whitelabel

Established and secure

Our goal is to demystify IoT, Ai, Machine learning and Virtual reality and place these in the hands of broader user communities.

We remove what is often the first obstacles to IoT adoption with cloud configured industry based solutions, consulting service and practical advise.

Our Skill Why choose us? Our philosophy
To maintain high level of fitness for purpose our projects are almost always completed with the help of partners and specialists in the industry use-case.

Cypernex is product, platform and device agnostic.  Use Cypernex with any Cloud, Edge or On-premise platform. AWS, Azure and/or any/all platforms become infinitely more valuable when you can choose easily mix and match their strengths across your enterprise.

Use any partner data collection / aggregation platform (Thingsworks, ThingsBoard, Reekoh) with Cypernex to bring these technologies together.

Our goal is to demystify IoT, Ai, Machine learning and Virtual reality and place these in the hands of broader user communities.

To realize this idea it requred the multi-cloud SaaS platform that simplified IoT commissioning and life cycle management across multi-cloud platforms.

With that in place we had a universal communications platform between technologies that Ai, ML and VR could leverage to offer superior IoT solutions.

111 +
New Devices under management
1120 +
Managed IoT Endpoints
2 +
New Customers
2 +
Projects underway
Annual profit statistics

We measure projects by Mean-Time-To-Benefit

Mean time to benefit or MTTB is the time taken from project start to when you start to receive the intended benefit from your new IoT capabilities. 

Cypernex is about MTTB using automated commissioning and life-cycle management.

Our work flow

IoT Projects with early measurable success


As a Lean startup feedback is our life blood!

We have been blessed to work along side some impressive, passionate and highly motivated individuals. We are I confess passionate about IoT and love to see it used to it’s full potential. 

Contact us

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

Our head office address:

Call for help:

Mail us for information


Fleet packages for your Devices under management

Choose the package that best matches todays fleet requirements. You can change at any time and mix or match with project and consultancy services.

Monthly Yearly Save 20%

Basic Plan

Device deployment and multi-cloud administration
$125/ monthly
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Device health monitoring
  • Security & device monitoring
  • 50 sensors
  • Remote diagnostics

Extended Plan

Standard plus device upgrade and lifecycle management
$1250/ monthly
  • 24x7 monitoring
  • Device health monitoring
  • Security & device monitoring
  • 500 sensors
  • Remote diagnostics

Basic Plan

The argument in favor of using to filler text goes something.
$1875/ year
  • 24/7 system monitoring
  • Security management
  • Secure finance backup
  • Remote support

Extended Plan

The argument in favor of using to filler text goes something.
$18750/ year
  • 24/7 system monitoring
  • Security management
  • Secure finance backup
  • Remote support

We draw on our global network to assemble a team of experts.

The platform makes it simple for partners with specialist skills or knowledge to collaborate and produce best-of-breed solutions across a wide range of industries.


Donald Johnson

Executive Manager

Jewel D Smith

Executive Director

Alan Smith

Managing Director

Brad Smith

Executive Manager

Collaboration and direct participation in projects from across the globe is easy using a universal IoT delivery platform.


Kathleen Smith

Senior Director

Joyce Thompson

Asistant Manager
Case studies

Our client, an analytical company, want to build market and brand.


Using NetZero for business transformation

Embracing NetZero: A Game-Changer for UK Businesses As the world accelerates towards a sustainable future, UK businesses are presented with a pivotal opportunity: embracing NetZero. This ambitious goal isn't just…

Cypernex - Empowering your ideas

Supporting you as you to transform your world using a little technology as an enabler

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